Strength from faith

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Kelvin King
  • 908th Airlift Wing
A positive outlook on life can be a very inspiring motivator and force multiplier. This truth becomes evident when you see someone prosper due to their positivity.

There will be times when attitude will be the difference between making the right or wrong decision. There are countless benefits that will be gained by thinking positive, including stress management and a healthier way of life. There are many things that can drag us down and it's OK to feel down when that time comes.

The key is to minimize the low times and not allow them to define who we are. Valleys are a normal part of life, but we mustn't let them cause us to spiral downward out of control. Resiliency plays a key role in the spiritual, mental, physical and social health of all Airmen. We must learn to bounce back from difficult events by countering them with positivity.

We all have pleasures in our lives and we need to pull strength from what we have to help us combat depressing times. For some people it's spending time with family and friends. For others it may be an activity that we enjoy such as sports, swimming, reading or running.

Remember to also pull strength from your faith background to maintain spiritual resiliency. A combination of good mental, spiritual, physical exercise and a good diet will boost our own morale. If we team up with other positive people we can reach even higher levels of resiliency.

"Fit to Fight" is a phrase with many applications, but the one thing that is a common thread is that whatever we face can be dealt with much more effectively if we have complete and total fitness.

Choose to take the time needed to be fit. Schedule your comprehensive fitness into your daily life. In my experience, taking the time to focus on my well-being has been well worth the effort. Prepare now for the lows of tomorrow and remember to look up, get up and you will go up.