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  • Faith, Hope, & Love

    February is the month we celebrate Valentine's Day and Groundhog Day. Both holidays signify spring is near but what does that actually mean and how can we apply it to our daily lives?The tradition of Groundhog Day holds that if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow he will return to his underground

  • The Legacy of Leadership

    Recently, I received word that Lt Col Gwendolyn Hill, 908 ASTS Chief Nurse will retire soon.  While congratulating my mentor, I considered my 15 years of service with her and the impact she has had on me and everyone around her/in the unit.Military organizations can be compared to businesses and

  • Let us dare to be great!

    I t's a new year, which brings each of us a fresh opportunity to improve upon last year. But, it also requires you to fight (figuratively and not literally) to be better -- to be great. The American Civil War provides a perspective on the importance of a fighting mindset.President Abraham Lincoln

  • To all 908th AW warriors...

    Thank you for your continued dedication to the 908th Airlift Wing and the Air Force Reserves. Through you, the 908th continues to maintain its combat readiness in order to support our war time commitment as directed by the President of the United States.My hat's off to all whom helped the 908 become

  • Resilience and Thanksgiving

    Fellow Citizen Airmen, have you noticed that every commander's call and mandatory briefing covers the topic of resilience at some point? Resilience is not just the latest buzz word, but a vital element of mission readiness.Each of us encounter work stress, relationship issues, tragic loss, or

  • Kindergarten: Success basics

    W e all learned in kindergarten the basic elements of successful teamwork: Treat others how you would like to be treated, take turns and share. Yep, that simple. During our entire educational journeys, elementary, middle and high school, we've been subliminally programmed to be successful teammates

  • And now, your OSS team...

    This is my favorite time of year, when the weather cools, seven-layer dip re-emerges, and the air buzzes with excitement as folks cheer on their favorite football teams.Watching a couple of games recently reminded me how similar the military is to a professional sports organization.  From

  • Keep the faith

    Faith. It's what you believe in. It can mold you into the person you are or the person you will become. Regardless of your background, there are similarities in the way we receive strength from faith to help us overcome challenges and obstacles we face everyday.Think a minute about what life would

  • Money Matters: Did You Know?

    Did you know you can look on your MyPay account and see your paid travel vouchers? Simply select the option "Travel Advisory."You can also change your banking information on MyPay. All you need is your nine-digit bank routing and bank account numbers.If you want to change your federal or state tax

  • Motorcycles: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

    From the beginning to the end of our military careers we are immersed in the culture of safety.Therefore, it's no surprise that safety for the motorcycle program continues to evolve into, if you will, "a well-oiled machine."Sometimes during the evolution we miss subtle changes. Sure, you wear your